17天禱告聚焦 9/12-29
恰克‧皮爾斯(Chuck D.Pierce)牧師的「國際錫安榮耀」(Glory of Zion International)事奉機構,近日擬定一項重要的禱告策略,目的是為了釋放盟約的勝利。這項為期17天的禱告計畫,從9月12日開始至9月29日止,同時涵蓋猶太新年(9月22-24日)至以色列贖罪日(10月2日)前三天。
“17”這個數字代表得勝,它是10與7的結合,分別代表屬靈的完全及神命定之事的成熟。數字系統屬於神,祂創造了數學這門科學,且祂本身就是一個神聖的數字。根據申命記六章4節,神稱祂的名字是「一」(One):「以色列啊, 你要聽!耶和華─我們神是獨一的主。」
Day 1: Pray for the President and Cabinet of the United States to be patient to hear God (Romans 13). If they subject themselves to God's sovereign authority, they will advance in His timing and establish His security over this nation.
Day 2: Declare that God's plan of judgment against His enemies be established. May this plan overrule any of man's desires. The Lord sends forth judgment unto victory (Matthew 12:20)
Day 3: Declare that any unwarranted plan of destruction initiated by the anti-Christ system will be thwarted. Declare death and the grave will have no victory (I Corinthians 15:55)
Day 4: Pray for your personal vision and destiny (I John 5:4)
Day 5: Review how you are moving forward and the resources you have (I Kings 17)
Day 6: Ask God for a new stewardship plan (Luke 19, Proverbs 3:5-10)
Day 7: Ask the Lord for faith strategies (I Samuel 17)
Day 8: Ask the Lord to remove hidden grief from past losses in your life (2 Samuel 19:2)
Day 9: Ask the Lord to break a spirit and shadow of death from you (Isaiah 25:8)
Day 10: Put off a garment of defeat and put on a garment of victory (I Corinthians 15:54)
Day 11: Fast to gain the prophetic strategy that will properly position you for victory over the confederated enemies that are set against you (II Corinthians 12)
Day 12: Ask the Lord to reveal to you His building plan for the future. Praise Him for all that He has done in the past to get you as far as you have come (I Chronicles 28 and 29)
Day 13: Pray and memorize Jeremiah 33:3. Declare it over the government of your nation. Ask the Lord to open your eyes to revelation that has been hidden from you. Never think that you know more than Jesus about the redemptive plan for your life
Day 14: Read Psalm 20 out loud to the Lord. Let the Holy Spirit direct your prayers for yourself and your nation.
Day 15: Sing the song of the Lamb (Moses' song). If you can't sing, read it loudly. It is key to understand right now! (Revelation 15: 1-5)
Day 16: Worship in a new way. Read your favorite three psalms. Allow the Lord to raise up a song of victory in you (Psalm 98)
Day 17: Exalt Jesus as ruler of your life, your vision, your city, and your nation. Establish Him as victor. Declare Him as Victor (I Corinthians 15:57)