中譯:Rebecca /文字整理:琬儀 TOD大衛會幕禱告部
七年前我這樣的先知性的宣告說在Camping Moras Stadiums 會有一個差派的大聚會,而那個聚會,會是一個記號,我們會進入一個大規模,傳福音和宣教士的一個大動作 。若果是真,這個詞,在新的這一波全球收割中會是一個很重要的字眼。神在這段經文裡,已經把如何帶來全球復興的火,火種、燃料給了我們。馬太福音9:38裡已經包含了足夠的爆炸力,能夠點燃一個全球性的改革,改革傳福音和宣教,能夠動員千千萬萬的宣教士和改革者,這樣的大動作能夠把我們的王帶回來。
禱告:莊稼的主我們懇求祢,現在全球各地千千萬萬一起禱告的人懇求祢,來差遣工人進入地上的收割的領域,我們向你哭求,興起一個大規模的差遣,我們為美國禱告,求主給我們8千萬的靈魂,其中會差派出20萬的宣教士,主啊,或祢用這種規模在全球來運作,我們要求有上億的信徒能夠在五月份參與*go 2020*運動,能夠帶進來大規模信主的人,主啊,求祢釋放因著禁食禱告而有的像原子彈的爆炸力,帶進十億靈魂的大收割,求祢打開天空,福音的傳播帶著能力被傳出去。
Day 12
Pray Ekballo! [PART 2]
“The number of missionaries on the field depends entirely on the extent to which someone obeys that command (Mt 9:38) and prays out the laborers.” - Andrew Murray
I trust that you’ve watched the video for today. We are now launching into praying, what I believe, is the most revolutionary verse in the Bible for the activation of evangelists and missionaries needed to reap the harvest at the end of the age. “The harvest truly is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest”. Notice the problem is not the overwhelming harvest. NO! The problem is there are not enough workers to reap the harvest. The solution to the problem; a heaven and earth shaking prayer!
My convictions are simple:
Christ Himself commanded not suggested this prayer;
We have generally neglected this prayer, therefore its potency has never been fully tested;
History depends on its fulfillment. Our neglect of this Prayer was never acceptable, yet it is even less so now.
We prophesied 7 years ago that TheSend at Camping World Stadium would signal a massive shift into a new day of evangelism and missions. If this is true, than this verse stands at the forefront of this new wave of global harvest. In this single scripture, we have been entrusted with fuel for global revival. Matthew 9:38 packs enough dynamite to spark a worldwide reformation of evangelism and missions, mobilize tens of thousands of missionaries and reformers and literally bring back the King.
I dare say the absence of a final, great harvest is not primarily due to the lack of sincere missionary effort or commitment, but principally to the inconsistency, neglect, and passion with which we have attended to this verse, for it is the Lord of the Harvest’s most elemental harvest strategy. If Andrew Murray is right that the number of missionaries on the field is ENTIRELY DEPENDENT on this prayer then the church worldwide must be praying it day and night incessantly. Let the Church worldwide recognize that heaven’s program for evangelism is a prayer idea launched in red type, an idea whose time has fully come. Beginning today, let all of us who read, make a radical commitment to take up Jesus’ command to urgently pray this verse with faith and passion knowing his word will not return empty but will accomplish the purpose for which it was sent.
Lord of the Harvest, we beg you with thousands around the world to ekballo laborers into the harvest fields of the earth! We cry out for a mass sending. Lord. We are asking for 80 million souls saved in America and 200,000 missionaries to be sent out. Do it all over the World. We ask for 100,000 million believers to evangelize in the month of May with Go2020. Unleash the billion soul harvest as the atomic power of fasting clears the skies so the preaching of the gospel can go forth with power.