第十一天 馬太福音9:38 當求莊稼的主,打發工人出去,收他的莊稼。

中譯:Rebecca /文字整理:琬儀  TOD大衛會幕禱告部   

這星期我們來到一個新的禱告任務。我個人在過去七年裡把它承擔下來好像是我個人一個責任,要看到它的實現。2012年的(W—Wend)?領袖們把這個字給了我。(ExBaro)?意思就是差遣,用這個字做為我們要舉辦差遣聚會的名稱。也因為這個緣故,(也因為這個字)我就搬到加州Pasadena   的Mott體育館,因為那裡是世界宣道會在美國的一個基地,我們就開展了ExBaro的禱告屋。

從2013/03/01 - 2013/04/09,我們也開始把馬太福音9:38禱告出來。我們禱告主會差派很多的工人進入還沒有聽到福音的族群當中。在過去七年裡我們就一直不斷地用四十天的禁食禱告,為這個字禱告,進入這個季節。現在這個The Sent運動已經開始了⋯⋯已經開動了⋯⋯我用這40天的禁食禱告來差派工人,全球性的差派工人來收割莊稼,完成使命。

我們不再以被動的方式態度來回應耶穌的使命,我們要用很勤勞的 有先知性的熱忱去完成從天賜給我們的任務。這不是一個建議而是一個命令。接受這個禱告的命令,禱告出來,讓我們一起來撼動世界。


Pray Ekballo! [PART 1]

“Therefore, pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” - Matthew 9:38, ESV

This week we are shifting into a new prayer assignment, one that I have borne as a personal responsibility to fulfill for the past seven years. In 2012 YWAM leaders gave me the word “Ekballo” (more to come on this revolutionary word soon) as the name of the pre-send rallies that would lead to The Send in the Camping World Stadium. Because of this word, I moved to Mott Auditorium in Pasadena, California at the US Center for World Mission and launched the Ekballo House of Prayer.

Starting March 1st through April 9th, 2013, we started praying Matthew 9:38 that the Lord would send forth (ekballo) laborers into the unreached people groups. For the last 7 years we have been doing 40 day seasons of fasting, praying this ekballo word. Now with The Send having been launched, I believe this present 40 day fast will ekballo laborers all across the world into the harvest fields to finish the task. Now is the time to move beyond a passive response to Jesus’ command. Let us carry this heavenly assignment with daring diligence and prophetic passion. It is not a suggestion, it’s a command! Take this prayer up with me and let us shift history together!