第二十二天 阿根廷及越過
中譯 : 王素秋 TOD大衛會幕禱告部
列王紀上19:7-8 “耶和華的使者第二次來拍他,說:起來吃吧,因為你當走的路甚遠, 他就起來吃了喝了,仗著這飲食的力,走了四十晝夜,到了神的山,就是何烈山。”
受到耶洗別咒詛的重度襲擊而逃跑且被自殺念頭環繞 而在深度絕望中睡著的以利亞,有從主來的使者,帶著 難以置信的憐憫而非憤怒,來造訪他並且為他烹煮滿足餐,這天上而來的滿足餐,照料著這位偉大的先知並引導他走上一條新的目的之道,這一條通道就是40天的禁食,行走,帶他回到了幾百年前摩西禁食40天所在的西奈聖山。以利亞了解他的歷史,我相信他明白在這40天的禁食中並且回到了這個具歷史性的盟約之山,神將更新與他所立的約。是否有可能,當我們進入這40天的禁食禱告之時,我們就正在重新宣告以利亞回到冒著煙的聖山之旅而帶來我們國家的復興。如果你努力的研究你國家檔案中關於禁食的歷史,過去是否有哪一個聖徒他因著這樣的禁食到達了一個神聖的所在而觸動了天,那麼當你觸摸他或她的骨頭時也將使你從死裡復活,並釋放出能行出現今神的全新行動的信心! 我正是要激勵你來採取如同以利亞所做的,在這四十天的朝聖行動中來到那屬天遇見神的所在,並為著新的世代,將你自己獻在祭壇上。
之前我為了推動的send以及2020全球40天禁食的活動而到達阿根廷,但是因為發生危及性命的凝血狀況而耽延在那裡有兩個禮拜之久。有時候神讓我們非得躺在青草地上以使他能復甦我們的靈魂且毫無攔阻的對我們說話。當我現在正在寫這個的時候我在思想,是否神正是要把我帶到如同以利亞的景況中,讓我的身心靈破碎, 然而就在那裡,天使走向我,或者我應該說是一家子天使,他們餵我無與倫比的牛排、海鮮、甜點,這些天使是Claudio Freidzon 他的妻子 Betty,他的女兒Daniella以及他的女婿 Chad,他們不只餵我美好的食物並且介紹阿根廷最好的醫生們來使我的身體得到恢復,更重要的是用他們的復興史以及40天禁食禱告的能力來餵養我的靈魂。
他們花了好幾個小時向我訴說1992年阿根廷的大復興史。Claudio 跟Betty 曾經歷過好幾年的曠野跟屬靈 不結果的日子,然而曠野時節總是因有好理由而存在, 正因此,他在 Claudio 的靈魂裡製造出對神同在以及對祂權能的新鮮彰顯的極大饑渴這樣的饑渴驅動Claudio開始進行神任命40天只喝水的禁食,在他禁食期間某晚做了一個夢, 他在他教會旁邊的一個小公園舉辦了一場福音佈道會,一開始只有少數人來參加,但很快的神蹟奇事爆發,消息傳開,住在附近高樓公寓裡的人看到人群往那邊聚攏而且聽到了報導,數以百計的人開始聚集起來,人們被聖靈擊倒,到處發出了喜悅的得救響聲,明顯的神蹟一再發生,小教會容納不了這麼多人,所以他們就進到足球場,數以千計的人聚集在一起,Claudio 的手一揮,大家都被神的能力擊倒。
Claudio 並非一枝獨秀,那時的先驅中還包括安卡羅以及Omar Cabrera等人, 在邁阿密40天禁食禱告之後引爆了 Cabrera的福音事工,而名為約翰亞諾特的人 來到阿根廷嚐到這復興的滋味,並把它帶回家,就引爆了多倫多天父的祝福大復興。 一位年輕的佈道家 Steve Hills 造訪了阿根廷 ,並將這個火帶回去,引燃了偉大的 Brownsville 復興,就某種程度你可以說阿根廷就是神全球大復興的出生地,而40天的禁食則是核融合。
當我在聆聽 Claudio 的故事時,我知道神再次確認我們正在吹響的號角信息就是從2020年3月1日到4月9日的全球40天禁食。
Day 22 Argentina and Beyond
"And the angel of the Lord came back the second time, and touched him, and said, "Arise and eat, because the journey is too great for you." So he arose, and ate and drank; and he went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights as far as Horeb, the mountain of God." - 1 Kings 19:7-8
Elijah, weighed down by suicidal thoughts and reeling and running from the curse of Jezebel, lies down in the sleep of a deep depression. There, the angel of the Lord comes, not with anger, but with unbelievable compassion and cooks comfort food, the comfort food of heaven, for the great prophet, and directs him into a new pathway of purpose. That pathway was 40 days of fasting, walking, and returning to the place where Moses fasted 40 days on Mount Sinai hundreds of years before.
Elijah knew his history. I believe he realized that in the 40-day fast and returning to the mountain of the historic covenant, God would renew the covenant with him. Could it be, as we enter into this 40-day fast, we are literally reenacting Elijah’s journey back to the smoking mountains of our national revival? What if you discovered in your research, in the archives of fasting history, a saint of the past who moved heaven in a sacred place long before your day? Even touching his or her bones could raise you from the dead and release faith for a new move of God! I would encourage you to even take a pilgrimage during these 40 days, like Elijah did, to that place of divine encounter and offer yourself on that altar for a new generation.
This happened to me recently.
I was mobilizing in Argentina for The Send and the 2020 global 40-day fast when I was suddenly held up there for two weeks with life-threatening blood clots. Sometimes God makes us lie down in green pastures so that He can restore our souls or speak without interference. I now wonder in even writing this if God brought me to an Elijah moment, broken in body and broken in soul. But there, an angel came to me. Or should I say, a family of angels who fed me steak and seafood and desserts beyond compare. Those angels were Claudio Freidzon, his wife Betty, his daughter Daniella, and his son-in-law Chad. Not only did they feed me food and restore my body through the best doctors in Argentina, but they fed my soul with their revival history and the power of the 40-day fast.
I spent hours hearing the story of the great Argentine Revival in 1992. Claudio and Betty had experienced years of wilderness and spiritual barrenness. The wilderness season is always for good reason. It produced a great hunger in Claudio’s soul for the Presence of God and a fresh demonstration of His power. That hunger drove him into a God-ordained 40-day fast on water. Out of that fast he had a dream in the night of holding an evangelistic outreach in a small park next to his church. A handful of people came, but suddenly miraculous signs and wonders broke out! The message spread. People from the nearby high-rise apartments saw the crowds and heard the reports. Hundreds began to gather. People were slain in the Spirit and the sounds of joyful salvation multiplied. Notable miracles took place. The little church could not hold the numbers that began to come. Soon they went into soccer stadiums and thousands gathered. Masses were knocked down by the power of God, just by the sweeping of Claudio’s hand.
Claudio was not alone. Carlos Anacondia and Omar Cabrera were among the many forerunners. Cabrera’s evangelistic work exploded after a 40-day fast in Miami. A man named John Arnott came to taste that revival and took it home and The Father’s Blessing revival broke out in Toronto. A young evangelist named Steve Hill visited Argentina and came back with the fire and the great Brownsville Revival broke out. In some measure you could say that Argentina was the birthplace of a global revival explosion of God and the 40-day fast was the atomic fusion.
As I listened to Claudio’s stories, I knew God was once again reaffirming the message we are trumpeting to the earth for the global 40-day fast, March 1 through April 9, 2020.
Coming back from Argentina, I’m asking the Lord, “Did you send me down to Argentina to revisit the place of the 40-day fast, a more present-day type of Mount Sinai, so that once again I could blow the trumpet, not just for Argentina but for the whole globe? Let the earth ascend the Mountain of the Lord, the mountain of the Jesus Fast, that will lead to the global Jesus harvest!
Father, we pray for the release of the grace of fasting on the church worldwide and all those reading. I pray that the bones of the fasting saints of the past will rattle again in the dry bones of the church in this present age. Answer from heaven! Release a global reward of fasting, the promised outpouring of Joel 2:28, “And it shall come to pass afterward (after The Fast) that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh.”
In the name of Jesus, amen.