在8月27日,Rick Ridings在耶路撒冷從主那裏釋放出先知性的話語。 他提到幾年以前 神曾經告訴他有些要發生的事情會暫緩一陣子, 而當以色列整片土地浸泡在耶穌基督的寳血中,仇敵的攻擊會被推後 (那時他看見有豺狼、巫術和在地中海的鯊魚要來襲擊)。 但是現在他感覺到神要我們預備,而不是禱告主繼續的推延不讓事情發生。 戰爭帶來的毀壞不是神的目的 ---神的目的是收割!!!

我們需要站在城牆上作守望者 求主保護以色列的邊界。其中一段的經文是以賽亞書28:6. 主要興起代禱的軍隊,“並城門口打退仇敵者的力量。”神會容許某程度的審判 去把一些人 從不法的行爲中被喚醒過來,但我們此時必須儆醒站立,禱告神不讓戰爭進入以色列的城門。

在古時 戰爭摧毀了耶路撒冷城,另一經文是以賽亞書59:16. 我們必須禱告求聖靈啓示我們在以色列的城牆上有那些破口。 特拉維夫是其中最弱點之一,城牆已經被破壞,特別由於他們激烈地接納同性戀的生活方式。

在希伯來文中,特別有一個理解有關守望者的經文,所指的不只是守望者站在城樓上守望,而是守望者成爲那道“城牆”,站在那軟弱破壞之處,為罪向神發出呼求。 我能想到幾個罪是誠然削弱了保護以色列的城牆 ---墮胎是主要之一。 神啓示Rick鯊魚有可能從地中海進入。這不只是先知性話語而已。Rick 有一位美國的朋友能取得一些高度敏感的消息。他說北韓有研發一艘可以自由進入受保護海域的潛水艇,因爲它不會被任何的雷達探測到。它的名字就叫鯊魚!而鯊魚已經售賣給伊朗和其他國家。 故此我們要集中為以色列的海岸來禱告,讓那些隱藏要攻擊的器具被顯明出來!

一位美國的牧師得到跟Rick所分享有關連的異象,就是有導彈襲擊以色列地。 而當導彈擊中地的時候,馬上就有一籃麥子在旁邊散發出來 ---使我們明白到 在即將臨到以色列的艱難日子中,將有一大收割要來臨! 讓我們來禱告 讓基督的身體在此時要儆醒站立 --- 讓神親自教導我們如何禱告! 為以色列和我們所愛的家庭來代禱!


On the 27th of August Rick Ridings gave a prophetic insight from the Lord in Jerusalem.. He mentioned that a few years ago the Lord had shown him that He was going to hold things back for awhile, and that as we soaked the Land in the Blood of Yeshua the enemy (at that time he saw wolves, and witches and sharks in the Med) was pushed back. But now he feels from the Lord that we need to prepare and not pray for God to hold things back. The destruction that will come from any war is not God's objective----the harvest is!!

We need to be praying as "watchmen" on the walls for the protection of the borders of Israel. One scripture that he used is Isaiah 28:6. God is wanting to raise up an army of intercessors in the Land who will "turn the battle back at the gate." God will allow a degree of judgment in order to wake the people up from their Godless behavior, but we need to be standing guard and praying for the battle to not reach (or enter) the gate of the city. In the days of old that would spell complete disaster for a city. The other scripture was Isaiah 59:16. We must pray for the Holy Spirit to show us the "gaps" in the walls around Israel. Tel Aviv is one of the weakest points. The walls there have been breached, especially through the radical acceptance of the homosexual life-style.

There is a Hebrew understanding of scripture that relates to being more than just a watchman on the wall, but to become a "wall." To stand in that place of weakness and cry out to God for that sin. I can think of a few sins that have certainly weakened the defense walls around Israel----abortion being a primary one. Rick was also shown and told that it is possible for sharks to enter the Med sea. This is not just a prophetic word. Rick has a friend in America who has very sensitive info on certain things. The North Koreans have a submarine that is able to come into protected waters because of it's ability to not be detected by radar. It's called the shark and has been sold to Iran and other countries. So we need to focus our prayer power over the coast of Israel and pray that every hidden vessel will be exposed!!

A pastor in America had a vision (that was shared and then related to Rick) of missiles hitting the land of Israel, but as a missile hit the land, almost immediately a stock of wheat sprang up next to it----giving the understanding that in the hard days that may soon be upon Israel, a big harvest will be reaped. So let us pray for God to have His Body standing at attention---alert to however He would have us pray! and intercede for Israel and for our beloved family. Blessings,