









給為公民政府禱告 我國度戰士的話語









我們以吹號開始這一個季節。50隻號角宣告季節的更換。在聖經解釋文學和新約裡,號角與以色列的王─彌賽亞的再來大有關係。彌賽亞再來時,會以號角聲知會以色列!並且主神必吹號角(迦9:14)。「因為主必親自從天降臨,有呼叫的聲音和天使長的聲音,又有 神的號吹響。」(帖前4:16)


YOM KIPPUR,贖罪日。提醒你們,吹角後接下來的十天稱為「贖罪期」,在此期間我們應該省察自己,尋求悔改,與人和好。萬王之王,萬主之主臨到必然使我們「潔淨我們的行為」。就像彼得總結世代的末了時所說的:「但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。這一切既然都要如此銷化,你們為人該當怎樣聖潔,怎樣敬虔,切切仰望神的日子來到。」(彼後3:10-12)


當施洗約翰在約旦河為那些悔改的人施洗時,看見耶穌來找他,他就說:「看哪,神的羔羊,除去(或譯:背負)世人罪孽的!」(Hineh! Seh haElohim ha'noseh hatat ha'Olam!)希伯來文「饒恕」主要有兩個字,其一是soleah(詩25:11),是指饒恕。但是另一個字noseh(同一詩篇18節),它的字根是帶走或「背負」罪孽而去。我們必須被饒恕,而且我們的罪孽需要被帶走。22節呼籲神「救贖以色列脫離她一切的愁苦。」惟有祂能提供救贖…就是在祂愛子的寶血裡。



















不要自以為有智慧;要敬畏耶和華,(完全)遠離惡事。這便使你的神經、肌肉、骨髓健康,滋潤你的百骨。你要以(正當手段而得的)財物和一切初熟的土產尊榮耶和華。這樣,你的倉房必充滿有餘;你的酒醡有新酒盈溢。」 (擴大版聖經直譯)



  • · 除去任何會使你不帶著神的愛、錯誤回應的情緒!當你的神經已經繃緊時,讓神的愛恩典地進來!神會破壞我們的思想程序,把我們逼到極限,因為這是使我們擴張的惟一方法。
  • · 打破任何貧窮的靈或自私的想法。當神說給,就給!關閉所有蓄意的表裡不一或說謊,這樣會破除自私。你不願做的,不要期待別人去做。這是虛偽。
  • · 尋求在神和世人面前蒙恩。要擴張,我們需要從新的人群中有新的恩寵。我們需要祂的恩寵,好叫人來選中我們。神的同在會使我們在人的面前蒙恩。求主在你的道路上擺放你可以連結,並從而得到恩寵的人。願你廣受歡迎!
  • · 信心藉愛運行。愛是惟一能使我們進到信心新層次的方法。若我們沒有進入信心,就無法進入神蹟。我們不可能用求神蹟就進入神蹟。你必須創造比你所在的環境更大的信心氛圍。
  • · 為你的身體領受健康,為你的骨頭領受力量。主想要有神經得醫治的見證。主也想要處理骨骼結構。結構是跟擴張有關係的!神必須重整結構,好叫你繼續前進在祂所行的當中。
  • · 讓祂重整我們的時間順序。時間是我們最大偶像!
  • · 願主的靈今年潔淨你的血液。神的道必須進到你的骨髓裡面。
  • · 以你們的財物和一切初熟的土產尊榮主。我們需要明白神初熟之物的原則。這樣會使你的倉房(供應)充滿有餘;你的酒醡有新酒(啟示)盈溢。作特別的奉獻。
  • · 今年不要輕看對你的管教。因為祂愛我們,祂正傾倒對我們的管教(或教導)。領受為你未來的教導。
  • · 正式宣告你的思想正在轉化。



默想/羅馬書 12:1-2




這種觀念不但帶來扭曲、略帶律法主義的與神與人的關係,也徹底否決了救恩的大喜樂和真實的益處。救恩一詞來自希臘文的soterion ,意指拯救、解救、帶來安全、解放、釋放、得以保全。這一個字與饒恕、醫治、昌盛、恢復的概念是相關聯的。所有這些益處都在這一個帶給基督徒極大盼望和喜樂的字裡。






事實上,耶穌的信息就是關乎完全。許多時候祂會回應那些祂觸摸的人說:「你的信心已使你完全了。」 為什麼?就像前面所提到的,罪會使我們支離破碎。罪影響到我們每一個部份。罪並非是那看不見的魂界裡的一個黑點;它會影響我們身體、思想、情感或靈的方面。許多人因為他們生命中的罪,今日要面對病痛。為此緣故,我們必須超越我們的西方思想,明白我們需要我們的每一個部份恢復完全。











魂與心、頭腦、良知有非常的關連。希伯來文的「魂」是nephesh。在新約,「心靈」( psyche )一詞退到身體、血肉、靈的觀念後面,描述人的存在。神想要將我們分別為聖,重整我們的靈魂體,使我們完全。宣告你所有的支離破碎都要被顯明。宣告你的恢復已經展開,並且會完成。



























恰克‧皮爾斯(Chuck D. Pierce)



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"The Door of Secrets! The Civil Shift! SEE YOUR PROVISION! Days 26-32 of Revamping and Revitalizing!"

Dear Friends:

I have just completed my ministry in Wichita, Kansas for Glory Advance! This is the beginning of rallying the Triumphant Reserve through this entire nation. We must have a new generationally-aligned troop that is filled with fire and willing to align His Glory in the land.


I want to thank each of you for taking ownership of this land. The Lord met us powerfully during Corporate Worship and Intercession on Wednesday. During that time, we were able to hold up the final land payment for the 31 acres along Interstate 35! We now must gain momentum into phase 2 called Occupation. Watch for details to be released in days ahead.

The Spirit of the Lord began to stir: "I'm creating a peculiar place so that it will give hope for houses to open up worldwide. For I will need houses, the tents of the people, to display My glory. I will have the tent of meeting and the place that you will gather and come, but I need the houses of My people to be filled with My glory I will be filling your houses!"


Bob Speights shared the following: "I saw a door and it said 'SECRETS' on the door. As the door opened there were all these inventions and creations and formulas that have been held for this time. I believe the Lord was saying, 'For all those that believe Me, I'm going to open the DOOR of SECRETS. Where they have said, "We don't have enough oil and there's not enough energy," I have more energy than you can even imagine. I have ways of producing energy that have never even been conceived of before, and I am going to bring them forth through the hands of My people. No longer will they say there is a lack of energy in our land. I'm going to give you secrets into the legal code. You are going to see things with supernatural wisdom that the enemy cannot use to change times against My people. I'm changing the code structures of many systems that are controlling nations. I will give you the code.'"


"I'm changing your prayer life now. You've been praying for political leaders and leaders of businesses and banks and structures in one way. Now I'm changing how you pray. In this year of lifting your hand and extending it to Me, you will pray by lifting the hand of the one that I show you that is in a place of civil rule. You will raise that hand up to Me. If that one will allow Me to grab their hand, I will bring them through into a new land in their heart. If they refuse My hand when I extend help to them, they will be one that withers in their ability to operate and work.

"I will start changing the arm of the flesh today. I will start changing the arm of the flesh and the ability to rule in one way today, and you will begin to see a new type of rule occur in the lands of the earth. It won't be up to them to extend their hand, for you will lift their hand up to Me and say, 'I have brought this one's hand to You.' I will know when your intercession has lifted the hand of one. Your President and your Secretary and others, your mayors, your governors—I say offer Me their hand and get them up into My Heavenly realm. Then when I offer My hand to them and if they refuse the hand of the Lord to rule in days ahead, then their hand will wither before you.

"I will put new judges in place. I will surprise you how I can judge on your behalf locally; know that I can judge upon your behalf. This is a time for righteous intervention, but it is you who must bring the hands of those before Me in a new way. Your prayers of judgment and disgust will not lift the hands of those that are ruling. If you will lift the hands of those that are now ruling, I will then determine whether they resist and reject My hand or grab hold of that which I have to offer them in the future.

"The door that I would leave with you today is the door 'as in the days of Noah.' Many will come in—just as 'unclean' came into the ark in double form, and 'righteous' came into the ark in seven-fold. I will surprise you with the type of doors that I am opening and who I will let through in this next season. But if you will allow My righteous rule to rise within you, you will be seven times stronger than any unclean structure in the earth."

Below are the next seven days of our 40 Days of revamping, receiving a new vitality, and moving forward toward the promises of the next season.

DAY 26

We began this season with the blowing of the Trumpet. Fifty (50) shofars resounded the changing of the season. In midrashic literature and in the New Covenant, the shofar is strongly associated with the coming of Israel's King Messiah. Israel will be advised of the advent of the Messiah with the sound of a shofar! And the Lord God will blow the shofar (Zechariah 9:14). "For the Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God." (1 Thessalonians 4:16)

I hope many of you were able to join us over the last few days at the Head of the Year Gathering. We began this season of AYIN, 5770, in a tent on the land that the Lord has given all of us as an inheritance. You have a future and hope. In the midst of the mud and the mire of the last season, you have a great hope for the future. Martin and Norma Sarvis were our guests from Israel. She shared that Israel had been in the greatest drought in modern history. After the blowing of the shofars, here is the report from Jerusalem: Rain began to fall! The fall rains are the FORMER rains as you plant. So at the beginning of this season, the rains have begun. Cry out for the LATTER rains which are the spring rains near the maturing time of plants and the grain harvest.

YOM KIPPUR, THE DAY OF ATONEMENT. To remind you, the ten days following the blowing of the trumpet are known as "Days of Awe," where we are expected to examine ourselves, seek repentance, and make restitution. This arrival of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords surely moves us to "clean up our act." As Peter says in summing up the end of the age, "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the Heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of the Lord." (2 Peter 3:10-12)

Kippur is linked with the word redemption. Kippur means "ransom by means of a substitute." On this day a goat was slain, and another with the sins of the nation confessed over it was taken away into the Judean desert and released. It was considered "damned"—and a common curse word in Israel is the Hebrew for "scapegoat." In modern times, some Jews buy a chicken and confess their sins over it as a sin-bearer before killing it. Many Jews perform "Tashlich"—casting stones symbolizing their sins into the streams as they quote Micah 7:18-20. On the Day of Atonement, all religious Jews and many non-religious spent the day in the Synagogue, confessing their sins and seeking forgiveness and a "Good Signature" in the Book of Life for the coming year.

John the Baptist saw Yeshuah coming to him as he was immersing those who had repented in the Jordan River, and he called, "Hineh! Seh haElohim ha'noseh hatat ha'Olam!"—"Look! The Lamb of God who carries away the sin of the world." There are two main words for "forgiveness" in Hebrew. One of them, soleah (as in Psalm 25:11), has to do with pardoning. But another, noseh (verse 18 of the same chapter), at its root has to do with carrying or "bearing" the sins away. We must be forgiven, and our sins need to be carried away. Verse 22 calls on Elohim to "Redeem Israel from all his troubles." Only He can provide the redemption…and that is in the Blood of His Son.

Success occurs when we are centered in God's redemptive plan for our lives. By praying and seeking the Lord and allowing the Spirit of God to cleanse us, our vision becomes refined. Success occurs when we are centered in God's redemptive plan for our lives. By praying and seeking the Lord and allowing the Spirit of God to cleanse us, our vision becomes refined.

Repentance is not a word we should resist talking about. Because of Jesus' sacrifice, His death and the shedding of His Blood, there is an awe and gratitude which should provoke true repentance. Bow low as you approach the throne of God before the One who gave His unstained life to save you from Hell's plan.

Read Romans 3 and Romans 11.

DAY 27

The Ten Days of Awe at the beginning of each New Year remind us of our opportunity to be clean and free from all of the stains of the past season. With each year, no matter how much the warfare of our circumstances seems to bombard us, there are many blessings for us to receive and embrace. Recently, I came home from the office after a 3-day trip and found Isaac, our 20-year-old, playing the piano. I could hear him singing and was drawn to his room. As I listened carefully, I could hear the words "CLEAN" being sung several times. He had written a song about the Prodigal Son just wanting to come home. In the song is a cry for a return and a cleansing.

Many of us have looked at repentance as a bad word linked with something we have done that is shameful. Repentance is a turning away from sin, disobedience, or rebellion. However, this act does not just include a turning away, but a turning back to God (Matthew 9:13; Luke 5:32). Repentance means a change of mind (Genesis 6:6-7) or a feeling of remorse or regret for past conduct (Matthew 27:3). However, we must remember that, "There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents" (Luke 15:10).

There is joy because our relationship to God and others changes. We start moving in a new direction from the path of destruction that seemed to be taking us along like an automated walkway. David received this message. John the Baptist preached this message. Jesus demonstrated the grace and love of this message with the woman at the well and the woman caught in adultery (John 4 and John 8). After Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, His disciples continued His message of repentance and faith.

Repentance is a turning in your life from death to life. You leave wickedness and dead works (Acts 8:22; Hebrews 6:1). You move toward God and His glory (Acts 20:21; Revelation 16:9), eternal life (Acts 11:18), and a knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 2:25). Nelson's Illustrated Bible says, "Repentance is associated with prayer (1 Kings 8:47), belief (Mark 1:15), baptism (Acts 2:38), and conversion (Acts 3:19) and is accompanied by humility (Matthew 11:21). Repentance is God's will and pleasure (Luke 15:7-10; 2 Peter 3:9), as well as His command (Mark 6:12; Acts 17:30). It is a gift of His sovereign love (Acts 5:31; 11:18; Romans 2:4; 2 Timothy 2:25), without which we cannot be saved (Luke 13:3)."

Enter these days with a joy in your heart associated with turning away from anything in the past season that has attempted to rob you of life in abundance.

Read John 4 and John 8. Meditate on Peter's repentance when he experienced God's goodness in Luke 5. Memorize Acts 2:38; 3:19; 20:21; 26:20.

DAY 28

Sometimes the concept of sin and how wretched we can really be seems to overwhelm us. But God! He desires that we become new and fresh in Him. He is not holding us captive to our mistakes. He is always giving us a way to escape. He is constantly asking, "Where are you? I just want to commune with you! I know the enemy has spoken to you and led you away from My Presence. But I want you back and I am willing to send My Spirit to draw you back to Me. I long for you to be prosperous in Me. I long to touch the work of your hands."

Regroup! This is a time to pray in a NEW WAY! Ask for and receive revelation for the next three years. When your circumstances begin to change, go with them. Do not rebel. They will set your future for the next three years.

I have been praying Psalm 118:25 for you: "Send Prosperity Now!" Another one of my favorite Scriptures is Proverbs 3:5-10: "Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

Be not wise in your own eyes; reverently fear and worship the Lord and turn [entirely] away from evil. It shall be health to your nerves and sinews, and marrow and moistening to your bones. Honor the Lord with your capital and sufficiency [from righteous labors] and with the firstfruits of all your income; so shall your storage places be filled with plenty, and your vats shall be overflowing with new wine." (AMP)

This Scripture acknowledges the fact that the land and all its products were the gift of Yahweh to Israel, and in thankfulness for His bounty, all the firstfruits were offered to Him. By obeying and bringing our best to Him in worship at the beginning of each month, we will see and experience SUPPLY and HEALING being released!

For instance, an offering of firstfruits, brought to Elisha, was miraculously increased so as to feed one hundred persons (2 Kings 4:42-44). God will also meet His people in unusual ways this year to break old cycles. Notice the situation where the man at the Gate Beautiful was healed after years of bondage (Acts 3). This healing created a great movement in God's people. This healing affected the civil government. We are on the verge of one of the greatest moves of God in the earth since the early church. Here are some key points from Proverbs 3:1-14 that will help you.

  • · Remove any wrong emotion that would cause you to respond without the love of God! When your nerve endings are being stretched, let the love of God come in with GRACE! God will be breaking down thought processes and stretching us to the limit, but that is the only way to expand.
  • · Break any mindset that agrees with lack or selfishness. When God says give, then give! Shut out all deliberate hypocrisy or falsehood. This will break selfishness. Do not expect something of someone else that you are not willing to do. That is hypocrisy!
  • · Find favor from God and from man. We must have new favor from new people to enlarge. We need favor from Him that will cause men to seek us out. The presence of God will cause men to favor us. Ask the Lord to position people on your path that you can connect with and be favored by. May you be SOUGHT AFTER!
  • · Faith works by love. Love is the only way we will come into a new dimension of faith. If we do not break into faith, we will not break into miracles. You won't break into miracles just by asking for them. You must create a faith atmosphere that is greater than the atmosphere you have been in.
  • · Receive health to your body and strength to your bones. The Lord wants a testimony about nerves being healed to be released. The Lord also wants to deal with bones and structures. Structure is linked with ENLARGEMENT! God must rearrange the structure so you keep moving in what He is doing.
  • · Let Him rearrange our time sequencing. Time is our biggest idol.
  • · May the Spirit of the Lord purify your blood this year. The Word has to get into your bone marrow.
  • · Honor the Lord from your wealth and from the firstfruits of all your income. We need to understand the firstfruits principle of God. This will cause your storage places (provision) to be filled with plenty and your vats to overflow with new wine (revelation). Give a special offering.
  • · Don't despise your discipline this year. Because He loves us, He is pouring out discipline (or teaching). Receive teaching for your future.
  • · Decree that your mind is being transformed.

Memorize Hebrews 4:12 and read Proverbs 3:1-14. Read Ezekiel 37:1-14. Read Psalm 31 and Joel 2. Meditate on Romans 12:1-2.

DAY 29

The starting point of all restoration processes is the understanding of and coming into salvation. Restoration begins with knowing what salvation is and what it does for us. Many people have a narrow view of salvation. They see it as a way to escape from the deadly consequences of sin, and they view repentance as a striving toward moral purity. Therefore, they believe that if we ask Jesus to save us and we in turn live good, clean lives, then we have a ticket to Heaven.

This view not only leads to a distorted and somewhat legalistic relationship with God and each other, but it also totally negates the overall joy and true benefits of salvation. Salvation comes from the Greek word soterion, meaning to rescue, deliver, bring to safety, liberate, release or cause preservation. The word is linked to the concepts of forgiveness, healing, prosperity and restoration. All of these benefits are implied within the word that gives Christians their greatest hope and joy.

Without salvation, there is no restoration! There is no hope for getting back on the track God intended for us, both collectively and as individuals, from the foundation of the earth. God has an intended destiny for every human being. The first step to entering into that destiny is salvation through Jesus Christ—not just saying the Sinner's Prayer and letting it go at that, but allowing the forgiveness, healing, prosperity and restoration to penetrate every part of our lives.

The second aspect of restoration is the understanding of and coming into wholeness. Salvation permeates our entire being—body, soul and spirit—with the ability to change every fiber of our makeup. As we yield to the ongoing, life-changing power of salvation, we can begin to understand wholeness. When we came to the Lord, no matter what age we were, each of us was fragmented with pieces of our lives scattered here and there.

Why? Because scattering is a curse that we come under as a result of sin. When we sin, pieces of the person God intends for us to be are left behind. We trade purity, blessing, health, and/or a part of God's perfect plan for a sin we have committed. Therefore, parts of the whole person God intends for us to be lie scattered along the paths of our lives at each point where we have chosen sin.

Although we in the Western world tend to compartmentalize our lives into physical, mental and spiritual dimensions (or body, soul and spirit), the fact is that a proper biblical worldview is one of a unified, whole person in whom these parts are not separate entities, but are interconnected. First Thessalonians 5:23 says, "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus."

Here we see that God's interest in sanctifying is not limited to the spiritual being of a person, but the whole person. The concept of dealing with a person holistically did not originate in the Far East or in New Age thinking; it originated with God.

In fact, Jesus' message was one of wholeness. Many times He would respond to those whom He touched by saying, "Your faith has made you whole." Why? As previously mentioned, sin can leave us scattered. Sin affects each part of us. Sin is not just a dark blot on the invisible realm of the soul; it can affect us physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Many people are facing illnesses today because of sin in their lives. For this reason, we must transcend our Western mindset and realize that we need restoration and wholeness brought to every part of our being.

Memorize Colossians 1:13-14. Meditate on Thessalonians 5:23. Read Luke 17 and Mark 8.

DAY 30

I love the story where Jesus breaks the bread and fish of a little boy and then picks up 12 baskets of fragmented leftovers. He can gather the fragments of what has been broken, and in the end, we can have more than in the beginning. There is a war over wholeness. The enemy hates us becoming whole. In fact, there is great warfare over your wholeness. All fragmentation in your soul comes from the war that has entered into your DNA system to keep you from freedom.

Satan "speaks from his own resources" (John 8:44). If he knows there is something in you that has not come into alignment with God's way of thinking, he will attempt to take that resource back under his domination. His ultimate goal is to vex our spirit so God's anointing cannot be released through us and change the world around us. For this reason, we must guard against a negative perspective that is the result of a "hardened" (2 Corinthians 3:14), "blinded" (2 Corinthians 4:4), "corrupt" (2 Timothy 3:8) or "debased" (Romans 1:28) heart or mind. 

Think about perpetually negative people. They see everything from a negative standpoint. Essentially, that means there is something in their blood that has never been energized by God's perspective. Fortunately, Scripture proves that the heart or mind can be renewed (see Romans 12:2), pure (see 2 Peter 3:1), filled with the love of God (see Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27), and implanted with His law, which creates boundaries for our life (see Hebrews 8:10). However, this requires the Holy Spirit acting upon our mind, which means we must allow Him to conquer within our very blood stream.

Psalm 23 is such an important Scripture for this time. This is also a Scripture to teach your children. "He will restore your soul!" The Lord is releasing a new trumpet sound that will affect our lives. This is a sound that will cause faith to arise in your spirit and cause your soul to be restored! Where your soul has been scattered in the past season, your soul will begin to realign and your spirit will begin to resound with God's purpose. If we listen carefully to the trumpet sound, there will be a realignment, and the fragmentation of our soul can be broken.

What you have learned as a child is now going to become real. We will have to follow Him into some new places to break the power of satan's past plan of fragmentation in our soul. Old woundings that created bitterness and caused covenant patterns can now be broken. You are going to have to go where God tells you to go. You are going to have to be where God tells you to be.

The soul is very much linked with the heart, the mind and the conscience. The Hebrew word for soul is nephesh. In the New Testament, the term psyche retreats behind the ideas of body, flesh, spirit to characterize human existence. God wants to sanctify and make us whole by aligning our spirit, soul and body. Declare all of your fragmentations will be exposed. Declare that your restoration has begun and will be complete.

Memorize and Meditate on 1 Thessalonians 5:23: "And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)." (AMP)

Read Psalm 23 and Matthew 14.

Day 31

Recently, I was in Kansas with a team. This is the beginning of the Lord raising up a new troop throughout the earth. When Dutch Sheets was ministering, the Presence of the LORD became so strong. There were 26 states involved in this meeting. John Dickson began to use the Tom-Tom drum and LeAnn Squier began to sing one of the most beautiful, ancient songs that came from Heaven and penetrated the earth. The sessions were amazing. This was the first state that I visited to declare a Triumphant Reserve rising in all 50 states.

Recently a tongues message came forth and I heard the Lord say:

"Your life is like a mosaic. In the midst of Me piecing you together, the enemy has inserted pieces of infirmity. He has used your circumstances to fragment your soul. He has tried to keep the brokenness in you so you cannot form the new picture and vision for your future. But I am your Abba, Father. I am the One who knew you from the beginning. I know how to piece you together. I am the One who knew the plan and the pattern for your best to come forth. Though the enemy has placed other pieces within you, I am doing surgery to remove these miscoded pieces.

"This is a difficult time for you, for it is a season of removal and separation. I love you and will remove and replace the fragmented, war torn pieces with My love and wisdom. Get ready, for My manifold goodness and wisdom will now be seen in you in a new way. You will display your colorful power to the demonic realm that has held you captive.

"Arise, shine and radiate. I am filling the boundaries of My inheritance with glory. You will hear a new call. I am revealing some places where My inheritance is not filled with glory and where curses are in operation. To enlarge your sphere, I will have to overtake those places. Procrastination, not making the most of My time, is a great competitor of My purposes. This is competing with you wearing the prosperity I have for you now and in days ahead.

"Infirmity is working against the strength of My people. Rise up, awaken the dawn, shake out the evil workers, put your hand to the plow and advance in the field that I am setting before you. New passion is coming alive in you…Arise and awaken to My passion and strength."

Read Genesis 37 and Psalm 104. Memorize Ephesians 3:10. The manifold wisdom of God is like wearing Joseph's coat. Declare to the Heavenlies that victory is rising up within you! Meditate on 1 Peter 4.

DAY 32

This is a time that we are awakening the day with sound. The Shout of the King is in you. That reference in Numbers 23:21 can also mean the shofar (trumpet) of the King! Some of you should blow the shofar during the 6am hour and declare that "The King is awakening the Dawn!"

His sound is in the earth and the earth will rejoice wherever your feet step! If you are wavering in the place God is asking you to stand, ask Him to make you steadfast and unmovable. Declare that the wavering spirit will leave and all instability will go. Decree that where you are sensing instability, you will find your footing today.

There is a spirit of confusion in the world. This is in the political arena, and also in God's Kingdom people. Decree that a steadfast footing is coming to God's people for their future. We will not go into the next seven years confused. Declare that we will not be confused over how to walk in the place that God is calling us to walk.

He is a Very Present Help in your time of need. I pray that you sense His presence and power in a new way. Exalt and praise Him! May the Lord be seated with you today. May you recognize the blessings that He has for you in Heavenly places. Decree that the power of confusion working to keep you from breaking forth into your next supply line will dissipate and be removed from your atmosphere. May you be anointed with fresh oil. May your gifts be stirred. May your faith grow. May the womb of the morning be impregnated by your prayers.

Memorize Isaiah 26:1-3. Read Psalm 92 and Psalm 110. Meditate on Isaiah 50:4-5.



Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries