因此,當我們知道這是上帝應許實現的時刻時,我們需要以禁食禱告來充滿天堂,成為代禱者來與耶穌聯合,「因為他是長遠活著,替他們祈求。」(希伯來書7:25) ,按照麥基洗德的等次,祂是永遠的大祭司,而且按同等次我們也是祭司。為此,在祂百姓中主要的訊息和工作之一,就是去恢復我們都同蒙呼召的祭司身份。
雷克.喬納 (Rick Joyner)
晨星事工(MorningStar Ministries)
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Rick Joyner:
Isaiah 11:11: God Promises to Restore
In that day the Lord will reach out His hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of His people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from
Since this is the first Word for the Week of 2011, and we are studying how to know God's voice and the prophetic gifts that He has given to His Church, I want to begin by sharing what may be one of the most prolific messages God's people have been receiving. The question I may be asked more than any other is what 11-11 means. Whether seeing it repeatedly on their clocks or in other ways, many people have been receiving this for years. New Year's Day was
It is Time for
When Isaiah received this message,
Peace will never come by giving away what God assigned to us, but rather by esteeming everything He has given to us even more than peace with men and by seeing His purpose as even more valuable than life. It is time for
This is a Year for Recovering What Has Been Lost
The main message of the re-gathered nation of Israel is that God is faithful to His Word. He remains faithful even if we are unfaithful, and in His faithfulness He will give us another chance. The whole chapter of Isaiah 11 is about the restoration of the earth to the paradise it was originally created to be, a second chance for the whole earth—the re-gathering of
This is a year for recovering what has been lost, for many promises to come to pass, and for the backsliders to be brought back. This begins with prayer, intercession, and often fasting. When Daniel read in the prophecy of Jeremiah that
Why do the promises of God need intercession to be fulfilled? As we are told in Psalm 115:16, "The heavens are the heavens of the Lord, but the earth He has given to the sons of men." The Lord delegated authority over the earth to men, which is why He will not do things on the earth until we ask Him to. This is also why Jesus became a Man to become the Mediator, and while on earth, He always referred to Himself as the Son of man. He was the Son of God too, but He came here to be a Man to recover what man had lost.
Therefore, when we know it is time for the promises of God to be fulfilled, we need to engage Heaven with prayer and fasting, being intercessors in unity with Jesus who we are told "ever lives to intercede" (see Hebrews 7:25). He is a Priest forever, according to the order of Melchizedek, and we are priests in the same order. For this reason, one of the primary messages and works among His people will be to restore the priesthood to which we are all called.
Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries
Email: info@morningstarministries.org