第十八天 瘟疫已經爆發
中譯 : 王素秋 TOD大衛會幕禱告部
一個稱做冠狀病毒的瘟疫已經在全世界蔓延開來 也已經在全球造成 數以萬計的人死亡,全球的經濟瞬間急凍,並在各國造成懼怕與恐慌,這樣的情況已經超越病毒本身,看起來似乎有一股仇敵的力量在點燃這個病毒的快速散播,
並造成過度的歇斯底里。令人倍感驚異的是我相信2020年 已經被聖靈標記為“體育場基督教”的一年,並且神的國即將爆炸性的往前推進!
通常神駕馭在風暴之上,但仇敵也不甘示弱。 至高的神統管人的事務,在希伯來書 12章26節,他說他要將那能被震動的都震動, 瘟疫在聖經中是被用來使以色列人悔改,在撒母耳記下24章,清楚載明大衛王是透過一個瘟疫而悔改, 我們認為教會的罪為仇敵開門使牠可以引發浩劫,這次的瘟疫吹響了悔改的號角並給予我們機會能夠轉向神,尋求神的慈悲與憐憫,天上的主會使用這個來審判我們心中以及這世界所敬拜的假神。
因此我們在這40天的禁食禱告中,殷切尋求神,在“現今的時刻”該如何回應這次的瘟疫。 大衛在兩次不同的景況中尋求神是否要出去爭戰,而神兩次分別給予的智慧是不同的。我們相信在每一個現今的景況中 我們都必需要尋求出一個隱藏的智慧 。我們認為這次的風暴是由一個高層次的邪惡勢力所引動,為了要阻止教會透過禁食,禱告,差傳,宣教 對全球陰間門戶的 大能突襲。我們相信當耶穌和他的門徒在馬可福音4章記載,他們要過加利利海去釋放格拉森被鬼附的人的時候,邪惡風暴便被激起以阻攔耶穌的任務, 當耶穌期待門徒拿起賜給他們的權柄以大能的信心斥退風暴的時候,門徒卻被恐懼抓住,以致耶穌在馬可福音4:40 對門徒說: “為什麼膽怯你們還沒有信心嗎 ”然後耶穌對風暴說:住了吧!靜了吧!而風和海也聽從了他。
以斯帖記:4:13 末底改託人回覆以斯帖說:你莫想在王宮裡強過一切猶大人,得免這禍。以斯帖記:4:14 此時你若閉口不言,猶大人必從別處得解脫,蒙拯救,你和你父家,必致滅亡,焉知你得了王后的位分,不是為現今的機會嗎?面對生死關頭以斯帖告訴他們以斯帖記:4:16 你當去招聚書珊城所有的猶大人,為我禁食三晝三夜,不吃不喝,我和我的宮女,也要這樣禁食,然後我違例進去見王,我若死就死吧。
參與全球禁食禱告的弟兄姊妹們,我們正面對冠狀病毒所帶來生死攸關 的景況,如果我們對這個全球性的危機以及這一次先知性禁食的呼召抱著漫不經心的態度則將引起更多不必要的輕忽,誰猜得到也許這選定40天時程的禁食正與冠狀病毒的進程同步, 我相信神已經看到它的發展 ,而興起一個呼召悔改的禁食禱告運動來對抗它。
有好幾天我們五個人一同聚集在屋裡只喝水禁食尋求 神要如何面對這個病毒。我們求問神是否要呼召一個全球3天謙卑禁食,然後斥責病毒。我們並不想要這只是一個好點子,我們想要真正知道是否是從主而來,就在那個早上,歐洲的一位福音使者Jean-Luc Trachsel 傳訊跟我說Lou不要錯失這個時刻,呼召全球3天禁食並且斥責這個冠狀病毒,在那個時刻我知道這是從主而來的話語,我跟我的團隊坐下開始擬定將這個呼召化為行動 的文稿,就是你現在正在讀的,正當我要提筆寫的時候 ,The Send 領袖之一 Andy Byrd傳訊給我說 Lou 在這40天禁食禱告中你有沒有要再呼召一次特別的禁食使教會可以挺身而出斥責這個冠狀病毒。它正威脅全球福音宣教的進展,並停止體育館基督教,堪薩克斯城的 The Send 不應被阻止,其他大型聚集也不應被阻止,在那當下,有兩三個人的見證再次確認這是主的話,我們必須取得我們在至高神右手邊的地位 並在我們仇敵當中掌權。
因此我們呼召全球教會,在這3天的以斯帖禁食中謙卑自己,承認 他們的罪,以及他們國家的罪,並向神呼求憐憫,然後在第三天,正如同以斯帖走到王的面前,讓我們與我們所有的禱告同伴一同聚集或者是在線上聚集,如同 Ekklessia 站立在榮耀君王面前!讓我們從錫安伸出祂權柄的杖,同心合意斥責冠狀病毒, 在信心中相信這個風暴會減弱,體育館會充滿了人,而2020年將在歷史的進程中成為全球福音廣傳與宣教大躍進的一年。
Day 18 A Plague Has Broken Out
A plague has broken out all over the earth. It’s called the Coronavirus. It is threatening to kill tens of thousands across the world and is shutting down global economies. Terror and panic have seized the nations. Something is going on here that is beyond the virus itself. It seems like a demonic force is fueling the rapid spread of the virus and the excessive hysteria it is creating. Amazingly, I believe that 2020 has been marked by the Holy Spirit as the year of stadium Christianity and explosive advance of the Kingdom. In America alone, I believe, 20 stadiums are being prepared for prayer and evangelistic breakthroughs. Satan has risen up in rage to halt this mighty advance.
Oftentimes God is riding in the storm, but so is the Devil. Obviously the Sovereign God rules over the affairs of men. He says that He will shake everything that can be shaken in Hebrews 12:26. Plagues in the Bible were used to bring Israel to repentance. It is clear that King David was brought to repentance through a plague in 2 Samuel 24. It is our conviction that the sins of the Church also give an open door to the enemy to wreak havoc. This plague presents a clarion call and opportunity for all to return to God, repent, and seek mercy from the Lord of heaven. God will use this to judge the gods of our hearts and of this world.
However, we have been seeking God earnestly on this 40-day fast on how to respond to this plague within this “now moment”. David inquired of the Lord on two separate occasions if he was to go to war. The wisdom was different for both situations. We believe there is always a hidden wisdom that must be sought out in every current circumstance. It has become our conviction that this storm has been stirred up by a high-level demonic principality to hinder the surge of the Church’s mighty assault of fasting, prayer, sending, and missions on the global gates of Hades. It is our conviction that when Jesus and His disciples were going over the Sea of Galilee to deliver the Gerasene demoniac in Mark 4, a demonic storm was stirred up to stop Jesus’ mission. A panic took hold of the disciples when Jesus expected them to take their authority with mighty faith and rebuke that storm! Jesus said to His disciples, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith” (Mark 4:40)? Then He spoke to the storm, “Peace! Be still!” and the storm obeyed.
Therefore, in the midst of this 40-day fast, we are calling an urgent and special three-day Global Esther Fast, as when the wicked prince Haman released a genocidal plot to destroy all the Jews.
And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” - Esther 4:13-14
Faced with a life and death situation, Esther told them: “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!” - Esther 4:16
Brothers and sisters, those around the world fasting and praying, we are faced with a life and death situation with this Coronavirus. A casual approach to this worldwide crisis and this prophetic call to fasting could multiply needless casualties. Who could have guessed that the timing of this 40-day fast would be synchronized with the timing of the Coronavirus? I believe God saw it coming and raised up a fasting prayer movement to call for repentance and then stand against it.
For several days, five of us had been holed up in a house, fasting on water, and seeking God concerning this virus. We had been inquiring of the Lord if we were to call a global three-day fast of humility and then rebuke this virus. We didn’t want it to just be a good idea; we wanted to know if it was God. That very morning, a great evangelist from Europe, Jean-Luc Trachsel, texted me and said, “Lou, don’t miss this moment. Call a three-day fast across the world and rebuke this Coronavirus!” At that moment I knew it was the word of the Lord. I sat down with my team and began to prepare to write up this call to action that you are reading now. Just before taking up the pen, Andy Byrd, one of the leaders of The Send, texted me and said, “Lou, would you call a fast in the midst of this 40-day fast and call the Church to stand against and rebuke this Coronavirus? It is threatening the global advance of evangelism and missions and is determined to stop stadium Christianity. The Send Kansas City must not be stopped! Other great gatherings must not be stopped!” At that moment, with two or three witnesses, it was confirmed again that this was the word of the Lord. We must take our place at the right hand of the Majesty on High and rule in the midst of our enemies!
Therefore, we are calling the global Church during this three-day Esther Fast to humble themselves, confess their sins and the sins of their nations (Joel 2), and cry out to God for mercy. And then, on the third day, as when Esther went before the king, let us gather together in with our prayer partners, or online, and stand as the Ekklesia before the King of Glory! Let us stretch out His rod of authority out of Zion and rebuke the Coronavirus in united corporate agreement, believing in faith that the storm will abate, stadiums will be filled, and 2020 will go down as the year of the historic advance of evangelism and missions worldwide!