當我們一同在猶太新年歡慶敬拜神的時後,祂會使我們得著新的啟示來進入新的一年。猶太曆5774年(Ayin Dalet),在此季節所代表的意義是:看哪,通往你新泉源的門已敞開!這新的一年是要在神所賜的產業、或所得的份上來建立你自己,在你的地上有一股新的水井正在等著你。
Dalet 是希伯來原文的第四個字母以及數字4,此外這個字母與門也有關連。換句話說,要穿過你的機會之門,進入並且進入神所賜給你的地為業。這將會是一個:『看到等待著我們的水泉』的季節,然而在此之前,必須要先進穿越我們的機會之門。
At Rosh Hashanah, God positions us to gain access to fresh revelation as we celebrate Him and enter the year ahead. The Hebraic Year 5774 (Ayin Dalet) conveys a season to See the Open Door to YOUR New Springs! This is a year to establish yourself in your inheritance, or “portion,” granted to you by the Lord. There is a new well that is waiting for you in your land.
Dalet (the fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet with a numerical value of 4) is also linked with a door. Go through your doors of opportunity and enter and occupy the land God has given you. This will be a season that we see the water awaiting us, but in order to do so we will first need to go through our door of opportunity.