我希望與您來分享一些我們在「讚美帳幕」(Succat Hallel)代禱時,關於2011年所領受到的感動與方向(「讚美帳幕」是我們位於耶路撒冷,一處可眺望錫安山的24小時敬拜禱告中心)。這些事在11月份時已寫下來,但就在我們進入2011年之時,我現在要將它們在12月31日這天說出來。
轉變、轉變、轉變(Transition, transition, transition)
在聖經中,數字 "10" 經常是關於考驗所使用的一個數字,而 "12" 則是代表完全或完整的一個數字。我相信許多人已經走到一個10年為期的考驗與煉淨之尾聲,並且在2011年將是他們進入完全的過渡期,而且(無論好壞)是在過去10年期間他們的選擇所產生的結果。我相信這同樣適用於國家,因此我感覺到2011年,是一個仍有機會來調整的一年,或是與主在過去10年所說的話與所處理的事來調準一致,就在2012年之前,所設定的模式將會決定許多未來10年的事。
十一 十一
中東:就像很多其他的國家,主說了幾次關於11:11。2009年11月11日,Patti和我與朋友們在阿拉伯聯合大公國的杜拜坐著談話,我們是去幫助他們訓練人開始建立一個禱告殿。當我們坐下與他們吃午餐時,我們的朋友注意到那時正好是2009年11月11日上午11:11。片刻後,有人問他的妻子是否注意到在11月11日 的11:11,當我們求問主祂想要對我們說什麼,我們都感受到是在以賽亞書11:11及之後的經節。這些經節表明了主的手正來到中東,要以一種重要的方式來拯救猶太餘民歸回以色列。我相信經上所記的事正在發生,我也相信主會第二次呼召在中東的耶穌信徒,吸引他們的心來為以色列禱告(在他們穆斯林背景中的一個奇蹟)。請為中東和以色列關心與代禱,在2011年能發生更多的轉變與收割。
大學:當我寫這篇文章時,我剛與Wes Hall有一小時的會面,他在堪薩斯市國際禱告殿(IHOP)的傾倒恩膏方面是一位領袖。2009年11月11日他感到有非常重大的澆灌,開始在一些大學生當中作工,聚會持續了許多個月,有很多人來親近神,生命被改變及得醫治,他說他們覺得最近要讓特別聚會停止一段時間,為了是要透過禱告來竭力進入轉變,他相信在未來將會有一個更加強烈的傾倒。我相信2011年將是決定哪些大學團體會為著一個強有力的覺醒進入2011年來尋求主,而這股力量會在2012年之前大大增加。
美國的東海岸:我才剛結束對來自華盛頓特區附近的一群代禱者分享,這次聚會的召集人是我的一位朋友名叫Jon Hamill。他提醒了我在1998年於波士頓所說的預言,以下是他對這預言所寫的內容:「我(Jon)當時擔任美國麻薩諸塞州的協調員,是隸屬在彼得‧魏格納博士和翟辛蒂之下的策略禱告網絡。每位協調員的第一項任務,是召開一個全州的神聖集會,來為該州祖先的罪悔改,我請瑞克與我的團隊和我一起同工來進行這神聖的集會,我們在1998年5月7日於波士頓的法紐爾廳(Faneuil Hall)舉辦,在這個集會期間,瑞克分享了一個有關風洞的異象,根據瑞克所言,這風洞橫跨了東岸,並以某種方式將新英格蘭與阿拉巴馬州的摩比港市連接起來。他提到會有一個時候來到,一種最初的炸力會打開這風的隧道,之後很快地聖靈的風會從阿拉巴馬州,吹到新英格蘭。」【編註1-3】
當論及此事時,Jon分享了「五月花號公約」(Mayflower Compact),這是由我們的清教徒祖先在1620年11月11日所簽署的。我相信最近聖靈的傾倒會始於阿拉巴馬州的摩比港市,這對目前在美國東岸的代禱者是個記號,他們努力祈求聖靈的風能強烈地釋放到他們的城市和州。這對美國東岸是一個關鍵時刻與機會來經歷屬靈的覺醒,在那個地區有許多的代禱者已經疲乏,但現在不是放棄的時候,乃是要領受更新的恩典與喜樂來為這個地區迫切禱告。
我感覺到會有一個即時的恩典,是神為那些一直大聲呼求的人,他們祈求耶穌的醫治事工能被釋放到他們的城市。在很多地方,起初將會有幾個很明顯的神蹟 (長期殘障和重大病患會得醫治),如果我們繼續努力,得醫治的人數將會增加,而我所看見關乎此事的景象正是爆米花,要使平底鍋下的火繼續燃燒,就會有越來越多的神蹟在我們的眼前爆發出來。
總而言之,我要回到2011年轉變的主題,我們國家的命定現在正被決定。他們將是綿羊或山羊國家??這非常需要代禱者迫切為他們的國家,在這個轉折年期間能做出正確的結盟(特別是關於以色列)與決定代禱。這是非常重要的一年,我們的禱告能如傑克‧海福德(Jack Hayford)牧師所說,『打翻平衡』。
瑞克‧萊汀斯(Rick Ridings)
耶路撒冷24小時敬拜禱告中心(Succat Hallel 24/7 worship and prayer in Jerusalem)
註1:波士頓的法紐爾廳(Faneuil Hall)曾經見證攸關美國建國的多場重要辯論,可以說是美國最有歷史感的建築之一。
註2:風洞(Wind tunnel)是空氣動力學的研究工具,是一種產生人造氣流的管道,用於研究空氣流經物體所產生的氣動效應。風洞除了主要應用於汽車、飛行器設計領域,也適用於高速列車、船艦、建造材料的空氣阻力、耐熱與抗壓試驗等。(參考維基百科)
Prophetic Prayer Directions for 2011
I would like to share some impressions and directions for intercession that have come to us in Succat Hallel (our 24/7 prayer and worship center overlooking Mt. Zion in Jerusalem) for 2011. These were written in Nov., but I wanted to send them out now on Dec. 31, as we move into 2011.
Transition, transition, transition
In the Bible, 10 is often a number used concerning testing, and 12 is a number representing fulness or completeness. I believe many have come to the end of a 10 year time of testing and refining, and that 2011 will be time of transition for them into the fulness and (whether for good or bad) of their choices during these past 10 years. I believe this holds true for nations as well. So I sense that 2011 is a time where there is still hope of adjusting or aligning to what the Lord has been speaking and dealing with in the past 10 years. By 2012, patterns will be set that will determine much for the 10 years after that.
Two Strategic Windows of Mercy Over Korea and the Middle East
The first week of October, 2010, as I was speaking for a conference in Korea, the Lord gave me a vision of two strategic windows of mercy that demonic forces were trying to close. I saw a window of mercy over Korea, and sensed that the Enemy would soon try to draw North and South Korea into war.
At the same time I also saw a window of mercy open over Israel and the Middle East. There, too, Satan was trying to close this window and bring forth a major Middle Easter conflict.
My strong sense was that Satan wanted to use war in Korea and War in the Middle East to cut off a generation called into a mighty missions thrust, just as World War I was used to abort the "Student Volunteer (Missions) Movement" of that time in history.
I shared with my Korean brothers and sisters that I saw intercessors crying out to the Lord to hold open these windows of mercy. I sensed that somehow it was key for the Koreans to cry out on behalf of Israel and the Middle East in order to see their own window of mercy stay open.
As intercessors across the globe began to please for these windows of mercy to remain open, and to blow shofars, the Lord sent a might angel to intervene. He stood between Korea and the Middle East, and with bulging muscles, pushed the windows of mercy back open again.
Turkey and Egypt Key to the Window of Mercy over Israel Remaining Open
In September, 2010 , I had a detailed vision of the Lord's desire and of a strategy for holding open a window of mercy over Israel: I saw a huge pillar standing over Turkey, and a similar large pillar over Egypt. These two pillars were holding up a roof of protection over Israel. As I prayed into this, I understood that we needed to pray intensely for the older, wiser political and military figures to not be taken away in Turkey and Egypt. These older leaders are voices of moderation holding back a flood of radical Islam that would like to take over Turkey and Egypt. They are very key in restraining the evil ambitions of the leaders of Iran and Syria.
But even as Samson knocked down two key pillars, are brought down a whole stronghold, if these two pillars in Turkey and Egypt are broken, then it will accelerate a major Middle Eastern war, with grave consequences for Israel and the whole world.
One of the most important ways we can pray for Israel right now is to pray for these two pillars to stand longer in Turkey and Egypt. We need to pray for an acceleration of the establishment of houses of prayer in these two countries (we are already in relationship with 5 houses of prayer in Turkey and two in Egypt). We need to pray for the winds of the Holy Spirit to fan the flames of spiritual awakening among the youth of Turkey, Egypt, and Israel. We must cry out for a turning of the tide in these nations, and a turning from radical Islam among their youth.
The Far East Taking the Lead Role in Missions
This is also an important transition time for the Far East to unashamedly take their leadership role in world missions. I saw a vision in January this year of a giant spear-head over Asia. The point was over China and was pointing toward Jerusalem. The upper angle of the spear-head extended to Korea and Japan. The southern angle of the spear head extended to Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. Behind the central part of the arrowhead were Taiwan and the Philippines.
I felt the Lord made me to understand that three major keys in this arrow seeing a major harvest in the 10/40 nations are the Body of Christ in Korea, China, and Indonesia. If Korea presses in for their window of mercy to remain open, they will continue to emerge as a forerunner nation in the areas of intercession and missions across the 10/40 window. China will then release a great number of harvesters and finances. And Indonesia is called to release the keys to major inroads in the Moslem nations (as they have seen in their own nations).
Eleven eleven
The Middle East: Like so many others, the Lord has been speaking for some time about 11:11. On November 11, 2009, Patti and I were sitting with friends in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. We had come to help train their people in starting a house of prayer. As we sat down to lunch with them, our friend noticed it was 11:11 AM on 11/11/2009. A moment later, someone texted his wife to ask if she had noticed 11:11 on 11/11. As we asked the Lord what He was seeking to say to us, we all felt drawn to Isaiah 11:11 and verses following. These verses indicated the hand of the Lord coming on the Middle East in a major way to reclaim a remnant of Jewish people to come home to Israel. I believe that is happening literally. But I believe it also can have a secondary application to the Lord calling forth believers in Jesus in the Middle East, and drawing their hearts to pray for Israel (a miracle in the midst of their Muslim context). Look and pray for much more shifting and harvest to happen in the Middle East and Israel in 2011.
Universities: As I am writing this, I just had an hour with Wes Hall, who was a leader in the outpouring in IHOP Kansas City. He felt it was very significant that the outpouring began among some university students there on 11/11/2009. The meetings went many months with many coming to the Lord, changed lives, and healings. He said they felt let recently to stop the special meetings for a period of time to press in through prayer to transition into what he believes will be an even more powerful outpouring sometime in the future. I believe 2011 will be a time to determine which university groups will seek the Lord for a powerful awakening to come in 2011, but to greatly increase by 2012.
The East Coast of the United States: I was just speaking for a group of intercessors from the area surrounding Washington, DC. The convener of this gathering is a friend named Jon Hamill. John reminded me of a prophetic word I gave in Boston in 1998. Here is what Jon wrote about that: 'I [Jon] was serving at the time as the Massachusetts coordinator for the Strategic Prayer Network under Dr. Peter Wagner and Cindy Jacobs. The first assignment of each coordinator was to convene a statewide solemn assembly to repent of the root sins of the state. I asked Rick to work with my team and me for a Solemn Assembly, which we held at Faneuil Hall in Boston on May 7, 1998. During this assembly, Rick shared a vision he had of a wind tunnel. According to Rick, the wind tunnel spanned the east coast, somehow connecting New England with Mobile, Alabama. He spoke of a time to come when the wind tunnel would be opened with an initial burst, and soon after the winds of the Holy Spirit would blow from Alabama to New England.'
When discussing this, Jon shared that the Mayflower Compact was signed by our Pilgrim forefathers on 11/11/1620. I believe that the recent outpouring beginning in Mobile, Alabama, is a signal to the intercessors on the East Coast of America to press in now for the winds of the Holy Spirit to be released powerfully upon their cities and states. This is a kairos moment and opportunity for the East Coast of the United States to experience spiritual awakening. Many intercessors in that area have grown weary, but now is not a time to give up, but to receive renewed grace and joy in prayer to press in for this region.
Healing Revivals Like Popcorn
I sense that there is a present grace of God for those who have been crying out for the healing ministry of Jesus to be released in their city. In many places, there will be a few more remarkable miracles at first (people healed of long-term disabilities and major diseases). If we keep pressing in, they will increase in number, and the picture I saw in this regard was popcorn. Keep the fire burning under the pan, and more and more miracles will pop up before our eyes.
In this area of healing, those who have been tested for period of time will move from the time of testing and attack (ten) into transition (eleven), and if they persevere, will move into fulness of frequent, remarkable healings and miracles, with may of them taking occurring in public places.
Watching Over the Future of our Nations
In conclusion, I want to come back to the theme of transition in 2011. The destiny of our nations is now being determined. Will they be sheep or goat nations?? So much depends on intercessors pressing in during this transition year for their nation to make the right alignments (especially concerning Israel) and decisions. This is very much a year when our prayers can, in the words of Jack Hayford, 'tip the balance'.
Thank you to those who responded to our recent updates. We were able to pay the rent for Succat Hallel. We pray this will be a most blessed New Year for you, full of the glory of the Lord.
Rick Ridings
Succat Hallel 24/7 worship and prayer in Jerusalem