第十七天  萬民萬族萬邦

中譯 : Rebecca /文字整理:以君 TOD大衛會幕禱告部


馬可福音十六章十五節,耶穌對他們說你們到萬國傳福音給萬民,馬太福音二十四章十四節說這天國福音要傳遍天下,向列國做見證,然後末期才會來到,耶穌是最會做夢的人,是最偉大的夢想家,當耶穌說把福音傳給所有的人,這只是一個願望嗎? 或只是一個做夢者的命令,也就是說福音有機會傳給每一個人,我們不能輕看耶穌的這個命令。

73年前有一位叫做Jack McAlister的加拿大年輕牧師,他被馬可福音十六章的異象所感動,他內心有一個目標,要用福音要接觸世界上的每一個家庭,他是把耶穌所說的當話,於是他建立一個事工「家家歸主」,今天有成千上萬的信徒,帶著福音挨家挨戶的傳給每一個家庭,上百萬的人因此而信主,有許多的家庭聚會因而形成,帶來靈魂的收割,這個事工是世界上最成功的宣教運動,是誰添火加柴使它點燃呢 ? 不就是在各個族群中普通的人,不惜付上代價的去傳達一個簡單的福音信息̴̴~耶穌救你。

現在新的一代己經興起來了,我的屬靈兒子Tanner Peake,他是家家歸主國際事工的副總裁,他的任務就是要完成這個任務̴̴~人人差派,也就是世界上每個家庭都能看到有關於福音的宣傳作品,讓每家都有機會聽到福音,希望未來20年有機會接觸到世上每一個家庭,對於那些嘲諷的人而言會覺得這是不可能的事情,就在一旁懷疑嘲諷,也因此他們不會有任何的成果,當我看到國家地理雜誌,看到香港高聳入雲的公寓,或是看到貧民窟那種擁擠的居住情況,我心裏會說 : 這怎麼可能呢?

在中國傳福音偉大的宣教士戴德生曾經說過,神所做的大事都有三個階段,第一階段是不可能,第二個階段是艱難,第三個階段是成了,耶穌說只要信,在信的人凡事都能(馬可福音9:23) ,歌德說過:不要做小的夢,因為小的夢不會激勵人感動人、推動人,我們真是看到耶穌有一個偉大的夢,所以我們不要把耶穌的夢縮小了,限制了耶穌的水平,耶穌給了我們一個禱告,這個禱告可以使不可能變為可能,耶穌說:「莊稼很多,工人很少,所以我命令你們要求告我,我是莊稼的主,我就會差派工人進入禾場收割,我現在年紀比較大了,我要站在約書亞那些傳福的人的後面,約書亞世代要說  :  這是可以辦得到的,唯有藉著很有動力的禱告,才能讓這事變為可能,今天全球和我一起禁食的人,願意做這樣禱告嗎 ? 要禱告差派,要帶著信心堅持說 : 人人差派這件事是可以完成的 ,我們這樣禱告神會差派成千上萬的工人,從各個族群中進入收割,也可以進入到所有以前我們無法接觸到的族群以及家庭。


主啊 ! 我相信祢的話,我知道 祢希望接觸到世界上每一個人,我們無法接觸到每個家,也就無法接觸到每個人,我們如果光用自己的眼光去看的話,我們會覺得這個任務是無法完成的,但 祢己經給我們經文,讓我們對這不可能的任務說:有解藥了 ! 祢賜給我們勇氣去禱告祢的禱告,莊稼的主差派工人進入每個家庭、每個難民營、每個遊牧民族的帳棚、每個貧民窟、每個船屋、每個公寓以及每座體育場,在世界上的每個體育場可以有大型的聚會,我禱告以家為單位的異象能感動很多人,也做這樣的夢去實現這樣的夢,甚願這個偉大的夢能推動全球的男男女女,請 祢在這個異象上吹氣,請祢讓它倍增,遠超過我們所求所想,因為耶穌祢配得每一個人的奉獻,奉耶穌的名,阿們 !


Day17~Every Creature, Every Tribe and Tongue Commission

"The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. We need men and women who can dream of things that never were." - JFK

"And he said unto them, ‘Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." - Mark 16:15

"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." - Matthew 24:14

We know that Jesus was the Greatest Dreamer of dreams. When He said, “preach the gospel to every creature,” was it merely a generic wish, or was it the Dreamer’s command — that every person would have the gospel preached to them? We cannot take casually the commands of Christ.

73 years ago, a young Canadian pastor named Jack McAlister was apprehended by the divine vision of Mark 16 – to reach every home in the world with the gospel. He took Jesus’ words at face value and founded the ministry of Every Home for Christ. Today, thousands of believers are carrying the gospel door-to-door with a vision to reach every home. Millions have been saved and thousands of Christ groups (home churches) have been formed to preserve the harvest. Arguably, this ministry has been the most successful missions movement in the world. And who fuels it, but everyday common indigenous workers, who risk their lives because they’ve been gripped with the simple gospel – Jesus saves.

Now, a new generation arises. A spiritual son of mine, Tanner Peake, Vice President of International Ministries at Every Home for Christ, has been apprehended with finishing that task – the ‘Every Creature Commission.’ He is launching the Oikos (Greek word for home) vision – that every home in the world would receive a gospel presentation through a personal witness or by the receiving of gospel literature at their home. The goal is to reach every home in the world in the next 20 years. Even as today’s quote declares – there are skeptics and cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities of such a goal. When I look through National Geographic magazines and see the stacked high rises of Hong Kong or the great populations of the slum communities built on top of one another in cities and on mountains, it’s impossible.

Hudson Taylor the great missionary to China said, “There are three stages to every great work of God; first it is impossible, then it is difficult; then it is done.”

Jesus said, “all things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23).

Goeth said, “Dream no small dreams, for they have no power to move men.”

Surely Jesus did not dream a small dream, and we refuse to dial down and limit His horizons. Jesus gave us a prayer that turns impossibilities into possibilities. He said, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” Lou’s translation: “Therefore, I command you to beg me, the Lord of the Harvest, to ekballo laborers into the harvest fields.” As an older man, I want to stand behind a new generation of Joshua evangelists who say it can be done. What I bring to the table of possibility is this dynamic prayer. Those fasting with me today, all over the world, would you take up this prayer – for the finishing of the task? Pray “Ekballo!” with faith and persistence for the ‘Every Creature Commission’ to be fulfilled. I want us to pray that God would thrust forth tens of thousands of indigenous workers into the harvest of every unreached people group and into every home.


Lord, we believe Your word, that you want to reach every creature. And Lord, there’s no way to measure every creature unless we reach every home. We are overwhelmed with the obvious realities of the impossibility of this task, but you gave us this scripture as the antidote to this impossibility. Therefore, we have courage to pray the prayer you gave us – Lord of the Harvest, hurl forth laborers into every home, every refugee camp, every nomad tent, every slum dwelling, every houseboat, every high-rise apartment, and into every stadium in the earth for mass evangelism. I pray for this Oikos vision to find tens of thousands of fellow dreamers who will put the dream in action. May this great dream move men and women all across the globe. May you breathe on this vision, and may it multiply beyond all that we could think or imagine. For Jesus, You are worthy of every creature’s devotion. In Jesus’ name. Amen.